In some cases, these were large devices that took up entire corners of a room. A typical modern music production workstation Hence, it took a lot of equipment to make music.

This required a lot of equipment in a large room, because, aside from the mixing desk, you needed to process each audio signal to get your sounds to “mix” together nicely. Going back in time again, you’d pass your audio signals from your instrument or microphone through your mixing desk and then onto a tape deck. In fact, in some cases, many producers, such as DeadMau5, opt to create complete pieces of music without the need of any physical instruments or people to play them at all. Nowadays, with the exception of recording your singer, many instruments can be made available right from your hard drive as a ‘Virtual Instrument’. … in order to create any piece of music, you were confined to the necessity of using actual physical instruments, finding people to play them, and lots of equipment to record and process them.